Education providers throughout Australia choose onCourse for their compliance.
onCourse is a highly customisable student management system, ecommerce platform and marketing software, and is the most comprehensive student management software available today.
onCourse powers short course providers, large enterprise, government and universities, with a pricing plan to suit everyone.
With full access control, document management, version control and auditable notes built right in, onCourse is the ultimate software for meeting the compliance obligations of RTOs.
Integrations with USI,, and VET Student Loans makes managing your compliance easy while SSL and PCI-DSS keeps your data and financial transactions secure.
Make compliance a breeze
AVETMISS Reporting
Report AVTEMISS data for every jurisdiction
AVETMISS reporting in onCourse is the best way to save you time when it comes to compliance with AVETMISS information. With export formats for every jurisdiction built in, compliance reporting couldn’t be easier. Start your AVETMISS reporting with the click of a button and onCourse will automatically prepare your reports based on your training records!
USI Verification
Automatically add and verify USIs for your students
The Unique Student Identifier (USI) is a reference number for every student of accredited training in Australia. onCourse software includes fully automated processes for USI collection and verification, so you can focus more on training and less on administration.
Built-in training data
Daily updates from
Easily access the most up-to-date training data thanks to our built-in integration with that imports of fresh data every day, so you always have what you need to provide your learners with a valuable skills development experience.
Access Control
Control access to your data
Protecting the privacy of your business data with onCourse means never having to wonder who can see what and where. Easily set permissions by assigning different roles, such as Manager or Employee, and control which parts of your information those people can view. With full audit history, you’ll know changes made to any part of the system. You’ll no longer have to worry about who has the right information or the ability to make changes.
Document Management
Effortlessly manage all your documents
When it comes to managing all of your business documents, you need a system that’s secure and easy to use. onCourse delivers. Attach any document to virtually any object in Oncourse. Version control makes compliance simple - if you ever lose an important piece of data, retrace your actions with greater precision than ever before through our document history function.
Version Control
Track every change to every document
onCourse goes the extra mile to ensure that you never jeopardise compliance. With document version control built in, compliance couldn’t be easier. Need to see a previous version of a document? onCourse automatically maintains a full history of every change to every document, so you’ll never lose a thing.

Training Plans
Create training plans based on your schedule
If a course is linked to units of competency, you can use class attendance to create a training plan. Assign units to course delivery dates and mark student outcomes to complete your student training plan.

Traineeship Management
Built-in support for traineeshsips
Workforce success is all about managing your trainees, and onCourse has been designed to make that a breeze. With our software, you’ll be able to manage the paperwork with ease – from funding information to reporting requirements.
CRICOS Management
Built-in CRICOS support
With onCourse, CRICOS providers can offer enrolment opportunities to students overseas. With a complete application process designed for CRICOS organisations, additional fields are available to record the student’s passport, visa and health care details. Even more information, like the student’s next of kin, emergency contact or home-stay provider can be captured using the contact relationships feature.
All your certificate needs are covered
onCourse is an innovative solution for generating qualifications and transcripts at the touch of a button. From Qualification Certificates to Statements of Attainment, onCourse has you covered with AQF-approved templates so students can show off their new credentials. Whether it’s just one qualification or every single unit on a transcript that counts, onCourse creates them all while maintaining full compliance with AQF recommeneded formats - no more paperwork!
VET Student Loans
Integrate directly into the HEIMS data collection system
The VET Student Loans integration feeds data from onCourse directly into the HEIMS data collection system (sometimes called TCSI).
Shared calendars
Course schedules in your pocket, on your wrist and on your desktop
Keep track of everything with onCourse. Our shared calendars make sure students and tutors never miss a beat because you can stay up to date on all changes to any of your courses on desktop, tablet, mobile and smart watch. Stay organised and access course schedules anytime, anywhere.
Payment Plans
Buy now, pay later
Boost your sales by allowing students to buy now and pay later. Take an initial deposit, or accept enrolment with no upfront fees - the choice is yours. Specify any number of instalments and due dates to build a payment plan that suits both you and your students.
Add notes for clarity
You can add notes to just about anything in onCourse and they’re automatically timestamped and tagged with the name of the user, with a full audit history maintained. Notes have all the information you need in one place, and we make sure they’re easy to find when you need them!
Find Related Records
Quickly navigate between related items
Find Related Records from onCourse is a powerful window-to-window tool that saves time by letting you quickly navigate through complex data. It searches for connected records, making suggestions as you move through the application. Use it to easily find and navigate to related contacts, courses and more!
PCI-DSS Compliance
Compliance with PCI Security Council Standards
PCI-DSS is the authoritative source for payment card industry-accepted security standards. PCI-DSS protects cardholder data in every transaction at all points of authorisation, processing and transmission. Our payment systems follow the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI-DSS) for secure environments to accept, process, store or transmit credit card information.
SSL/TLS Certificate
Robust web application security built in
The SSL/TLS Certificate is your assurance to customers that their data will stay safe and secure. Get a free SSL/TLS certificate included with your onCourse instance so you can rest assured your web application communications are secure and your customer data protected.